
Modular residential passivhouses

Our great passion is to deliver a service of passive architecture to all users. For that reason, we have just started a cooperation with the modular houses provider. These houses are not only modern, beautiful and simple, but extremely healthy. So healthy, that the only thing you will think about when the smog kicks in in autumn, is what’s the fastest route back to your home (we get you PM2.5 filtering, among others).

Modern barns, Scandinavian wooden houses or concrete building blocks make no difference here: the KPIs are standardized in all types of houses. We liaised with the modular houses provider to make sure the client gets the full package of services: design, construction and third party verification. So we are ready, aren’t you? 

Contact us to find out more details!  


Final BREEAM certificate for student houses in Łódź – Rembielińskiego!

We are glad to announce that the student house in Łódź at Rembielińskiego Street has been awarded the final BREEAM Certificate by BRE at Very Good level.

The landscape design by TopoScape Justyna Dziedziejko and water-saving solutions for greenery made this investment special: the highest score is for a careful selection of the planting and a positive long-term impact on the biodiversity of the site.

The building also facilitates a handful of alternative modes of transport and, by doing so, minimizes the carbon footprint and the environmental impact of internal combustion engines (cars). The energy consumption for heating and cooling is minimized to the minimum by selecting energy-efficient equipment and vertical transportation systems and by reducing the thermal bridges of the facade. 

Once more, congratulations to the design team and the strategic investor!

certyfikat ciołka

New BREEAM Certificate for student housing in Warsaw

We are thrilled to inform you that our BREEAM assessment of student houses in Warsaw has been approved by BRE!

The design has been awarded credits for sustainable transport solutions, accessibility, and cyclists’ facilities. The landscape design, biodiversity enhancement and mitigation measures to maintain the existing ecological features have also greatly contributed to the very good level of this assessment. Apart from transport and ecology, the building scored high in energy conservation and health and well-being. 

Heartfelt congratulations to the investor and the design team for their joint efforts!

FUTUREBUILD 2020 conference in London

FUTUREBUILD 2020 conference in London

LWM Sp.z o.o. was not absent from the annual conference on innovation in green building! This year the conference focused on the topic of climate change. You can find the event page here.


Building projects aimed at improving the quality of life are primarily buildings, with a view to users with functional limitations, including, in particular, buildings, and environments that will respond to the needs and improve the quality of life of the elderly. Such projects are not just about architectural solutions, although there are still few companies, even in Poland, that take up this topic. It is more about reducing such adverse phenomena as overheating, or the “heat island effect.”
At the Futurebuild 2020 conference, there were several companies offering software or a software-based service, i.e. ENVI-met® that examines how a building will fit into and affect its surroundings. And don’t get me wrong: the impact of shading, transportation is always taken into account in design. What’s new here is the study of how the new building will affect the comfort of the building’s occupants and the occupants of neighboring sheds – for example, what contribution the building will make during periods of hot weather and to what extent it will disrupt air flow.
Some companies, such as Greenpass®, even award their certifications based on how a building compares to referenced buildings in terms of: (i) not addressing the impact of kimatic changes, (ii) managing surface water, (iii) not addressing the negative impact on air flow, (iv) offsetting the reduction in biodiversity, (v) managing available energy, (vi) and Note! how it compares in terms of cost-effectiveness (considering the building’s life cycle).
Greenpass is working with the Vienna city administration, and there is a good chance that soon the aspects assessed by Greenpass certification will be taken into account when issuing building permits.